Welcome to the Braker.com Website.

The Braker.com site will eventually become a WordPress site that will be mobile friendly.

We want to thank Roger Braker and Marjorie Wendt for gathering older photos. Family photos will be password protected.

The family reunion is held every year on the weekend before or after July 4th. Every 5 years a special effort is made so that everyone has a better opportunity to meet more of his/her relatives. Everyone is welcome every year. The annual get together is also at this park (a one-day affair to meet, to share a meal, and visit). This reunion has been an annual affair for at least 80 years. Lets keep it going and help it to grow.
Original spelling of last name
(Broecker = Braker)
(Braker, Broker, Broecker, Broeker, Bracker, Brocker etc).
Now it may be spelled in a variety of ways in the United States: Braker, Broker, Broecker, Broeker, Bracker, Brocker etc.
Seven to nine brothers came to the USA probably in the late 1850's from Silesia, Prussia
(S.W. Corner of Poland). (We consider that Germany. Period). Many young men at that time were being conscripted into the war. Silesia was a rich farming and mining area of Prussia. Many immigrants of the era were brought into the USA through the St. Louis port. It may be our relatives used this port of entry. Through Internet searching some Brakers have been found in the St. Louis area. It is unknown if they are related.

William Broecker (later Braker) married Rosa Malik and they lived in a log cabin on the northwest corner of Hooperville at the junction of Hwy. 73 and Concord Road in Dodge County Wisconsin. They had two children, Emma and Mary. (This location in now an empty field). William passed away and Rosa then married William's brother, Christian Broecker (later Braker). Their children were named Henry and Eda. Christian and Rosa moved to a farm about 1/2 mile east on Concord Road and built a home there.

Christian and Rosa Braker Christian & Rosa Broecker
Later their son Henry and his wife Lydia (Iwert) Braker lived there. Henry and Lydia Braker's children were: Laura (died as a teen), Etta (Loretta), Arnold, Leslie, Lorinda, and Freda. Henry was interested in Horses and Lydia was interested in gardening and flowers and was a hard worker. Henry sold the corner property at Hooperville (where Christian and Rosa had a log cabin) to Hepps because of a double mortgage.

Henry cousin Emma (born to William and Rosa) married a Lange and lived in what is now the Shoup, one the Maloney place, prior the Shesky place.

Henry's cousin to John Braker son's were Ben, Louis and Lawrence.

Their son Leslie and his wife Alice lived there and worked the farm till it was later sold. Arnold Braker, Jr. later bought back the farm and his his wife Pat Braker (Bulthuis) work the land today with their son Brian.

William and Christian Broecker (Braker) also had either an other brother or a cousin named Louie. Louie Braker married a Glazman - Polish Catholic by religion and the family then separated. But his farm is still farmed today by Jack Braker, the great grandson of Christian Braker.

The original brother also had two sisters and the name of Augusta comes to mind.

This is as correct as given information allows. Please share any updates.

Information from Census Records at Wisconsin State Historical Society:
1860 Braker (4th Ward Beaver Dam, Day Laborer, Dwelling shanty
William 33 b. 1827 Germany m. 9-23-1856 to
Rosa 26 Emma 2 b. Wisconsin
Mary babe b. Wisconsin
John (Boarder from Germany)

1870 Malik (4th Ward Beaver Dan from Prussia)
Joseph 67
Rosa 67

1880 Breker
Christian b. 1830 in Prussia m. 9-20-1864
Rosa 46 b. in Prussia
Emma 22 m Lange
Mary 20
Henry 15
Eda 12

* We would like to thank Marci Braker for doing the research on the Braker History.

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Created and Maintained by
Steven Braker
Edited by
Roger Braker